Monday 9 January 2012

Saturday 7th January.

I was pleasantly surprised when looking at Facebook over the weekend to find that Swedish band Inmoria posted the following on their Wall: "….we're catching up with things after the Christmas holidays but would like to say cheers to Johnny Main at Metal Talk for listing our album as his best album of 2011 - that's really cool, thanks!...". Nice of them to do that since their album "A Farewell To Nothing - The Diary Part 1" is very, very good!

A quiet weekend was had except for Saturday night when the wife and I went in to The Solid for her Bestie's birthday night out. Bestie (aka Gillian) downed Jack Daniels like it was going out of fashion and predictably, she didn't make it to the Classic. Unfortunately I did and it wasn't worth going to so we headed home. Nice to see a bit of bitchiness from someone of FB the next morning – ah well, once she's paid me back what she owes me, she'll be getting deleted off my FB and she can do whatever she likes and I don't actually care what that is. It's nice to know that you look after someone (especially when they are ill), give her money when she's a bit short so that he and her cats have food and then goes out with a bloke and begins to treat you like crap. Well, I don't need to be treated like that. Rant over.

Sunday was the 21st anniversary of Steve Clark from Def Leppard's death. Hard to believe it was that long ago, so I'll be listening to some classic Leppard in his honour tonight.

[Edit: I'm gutted to learn that Tony Iommi is the latest rock musician to be diagnosed with cancer. According to a band statement, Black Sabbath's legendary guitarist, 63, is suffering from "the early stages of lymphoma". Like all of Tony's friends, band-mates and fans, I wish him a speedy and complete recovery.]

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